Iklan Kite
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Friday, May 9, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
How to Be a Successful High School Student
Edited by Mike Massaroli, Eric, Edward, Lillian May and 66 others
Being successful in high school comes with a lot of patience as well as motivation. Unfortunately there are so many distractions coming your way, sometimes it becomes hard to say no. However, if you want to become a successful student, then you have to start learning how to say no to these distractions. It may be hard during the school year, and also tiring, but the hard work always pays off at the end. When you graduate you want to graduate with honors, you want to also be remembered as a diligent school worker. So remember, become a successful student, for that will determine your success in the future.
Being successful in high school comes with a lot of patience as well as motivation. Unfortunately there are so many distractions coming your way, sometimes it becomes hard to say no. However, if you want to become a successful student, then you have to start learning how to say no to these distractions. It may be hard during the school year, and also tiring, but the hard work always pays off at the end. When you graduate you want to graduate with honors, you want to also be remembered as a diligent school worker. So remember, become a successful student, for that will determine your success in the future.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Hard work and determination earn UPSR candidates top spots

Muhamat Roli (left) and Evaluation and Examination Management sector chief Muhd Nawawi Yaakob (right) having a chat with top scorers from SK Manjoi Satu, Ipoh.
DESPITE being diagnosed with mild learning disability, Nur Duratul Aishah Mohd Fairuz, 12, did not let it be a hindrance in her academic progress.
She studied hard to achieve excellent results in various examinations during her six-year studies at SK Jelapang in Ipoh.
All her hard work paid off when she obtained four As and one B in the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination.
She was named the state’s top scorer under the ‘excellent pupils with special need’ category.
Nur Daratul Aishah, who only scored three As and two Bs during the trial examination, said she had to double her effort to have a better grasp of all the subjects.
“I had to revise the lesson taught in school almost every day and attend tuition classes diligently.
Suimie (right) showing her UPSR result slip while her father Cornelius (left), mother Wak (second from left), and youngest brother Adib (second from right) look on.
“It was not that difficult because I have support from my family and friends,” she said during a prize-giving ceremony at SK Manjoi Satu in Ipoh on Thursday.
Her proud mother, Noorazlina Ishak, 37, said Nur Daratul Aishah used to have problems communicating with people.
“But I could see that she was determined to overcome this,” said Noorazlina, a postgraduate student.
She added that she had heeded the doctor’s advice by enrolling her daughter in a normal school to help her improve on her social skills.
“Her good results have earned her a spot in the first class but we realised the pressure was too much for her to handle.
“We requested the school to transfer her to the third class, and her ability to learn has improved since then,” she recalled.
Meanwhile, SK Batu Lintang pupil Suimie Cornelius, who obtained straight As in the examination, was one of the top pupils under the orang asli category.
Nur Duratul Aishah (left) kissing her mother Noorazlina after attending a prize-giving ceremony at SK Manjoi Satu.
Suimie, an orang asli from Kampung Sungai Merah, Tapah, said there was no shortcut to obtain good grades in examinations.
“You just have to love the subject and study regularly,” she said.
Suimie, who aspired to study medicine, would continue her secondary education in SM Sains Tapah next year.
Her father Cornelius Linus, 39, and mother Wak Rungkol, 39, and her 11-month-old brother Adib were present at the event to celebrate her success.
At a press conference earlier, State Education director Muhamat Roli Hassan said 18 schools achieved a 100% pass rate in the UPSR examination this year.
There were a total of 844 schools in the state, he added.
“A total of 3,249 out of 38,248 candidates who sat for the examination this year scored straight As (five As for SK schools and seven As for SJK schools).
“Last year, 3,718 from the 43,468 candidates obtained all As,” he added.
In terms of percentage, he said the number of straight As scorers had slightly decreased from 8.55% to 8.49%.
Muhamat Roli said the top three schools with the most straight As pupils were SJK(C) Ave Maria Convent (66 of 336 candidates), SJK(C) Yuk Choy (45 of 328 candidates) and SK Marian Convent (41 of 133 candidates), all in Ipoh.
Muhamat Roli (left) and Evaluation and Examination Management sector chief Muhd Nawawi Yaakob (right) having a chat with top scorers from SK Manjoi Satu, Ipoh.
DESPITE being diagnosed with mild learning disability, Nur Duratul Aishah Mohd Fairuz, 12, did not let it be a hindrance in her academic progress.
She studied hard to achieve excellent results in various examinations during her six-year studies at SK Jelapang in Ipoh.
All her hard work paid off when she obtained four As and one B in the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination.
She was named the state’s top scorer under the ‘excellent pupils with special need’ category.
Nur Daratul Aishah, who only scored three As and two Bs during the trial examination, said she had to double her effort to have a better grasp of all the subjects.
“I had to revise the lesson taught in school almost every day and attend tuition classes diligently.
Suimie (right) showing her UPSR result slip while her father Cornelius (left), mother Wak (second from left), and youngest brother Adib (second from right) look on.
“It was not that difficult because I have support from my family and friends,” she said during a prize-giving ceremony at SK Manjoi Satu in Ipoh on Thursday.
Her proud mother, Noorazlina Ishak, 37, said Nur Daratul Aishah used to have problems communicating with people.
“But I could see that she was determined to overcome this,” said Noorazlina, a postgraduate student.
She added that she had heeded the doctor’s advice by enrolling her daughter in a normal school to help her improve on her social skills.
“Her good results have earned her a spot in the first class but we realised the pressure was too much for her to handle.
“We requested the school to transfer her to the third class, and her ability to learn has improved since then,” she recalled.
Meanwhile, SK Batu Lintang pupil Suimie Cornelius, who obtained straight As in the examination, was one of the top pupils under the orang asli category.
Nur Duratul Aishah (left) kissing her mother Noorazlina after attending a prize-giving ceremony at SK Manjoi Satu.
Suimie, an orang asli from Kampung Sungai Merah, Tapah, said there was no shortcut to obtain good grades in examinations.
“You just have to love the subject and study regularly,” she said.
Suimie, who aspired to study medicine, would continue her secondary education in SM Sains Tapah next year.
Her father Cornelius Linus, 39, and mother Wak Rungkol, 39, and her 11-month-old brother Adib were present at the event to celebrate her success.
At a press conference earlier, State Education director Muhamat Roli Hassan said 18 schools achieved a 100% pass rate in the UPSR examination this year.
There were a total of 844 schools in the state, he added.
“A total of 3,249 out of 38,248 candidates who sat for the examination this year scored straight As (five As for SK schools and seven As for SJK schools).
“Last year, 3,718 from the 43,468 candidates obtained all As,” he added.
In terms of percentage, he said the number of straight As scorers had slightly decreased from 8.55% to 8.49%.
Muhamat Roli said the top three schools with the most straight As pupils were SJK(C) Ave Maria Convent (66 of 336 candidates), SJK(C) Yuk Choy (45 of 328 candidates) and SK Marian Convent (41 of 133 candidates), all in Ipoh.
- source
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream
Chris Widener
“Vision is the spectacular that inspires us to carry out the mundane.” —Chris Widener
Can achievement be broken down into steps? It isn’t always that clean and easy, but those who achieve great things usually go through much of the same process, with many of the items listed below as part of that process. So if you have been struggling with achievement, look through the following. Begin to apply them and you will be on the road to achieving your dream.
Step 1: Dream it. Everything begins in the heart and mind. Every great achievement began in the mind of one person. They dared to dream, to believe that it was possible. Take some time to allow yourself to ask “What if?” Think big. Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. You want to be a “dreamer.” Dream of the possibilities for yourself, your family and for others. If you had a dream that you let grow cold, re-ignite the dream! Fan the flames. Life is too short to let it go.
Step 2: Believe it. Yes, your dream needs to be big. It needs to be something that is seemingly beyond your capabilities. But it also must be believable. You must be able to say that if certain things take place, if others help, if you work hard enough, though it is a big dream, it can still be done. Good example: A person with no college education can dream that he will build a $50 million-a-year company. That is big, but believable. Bad example: That a 90-year-old woman with arthritis will someday run a marathon in under three hours. It is big all right, but also impossible. She should instead focus on building a $50 million-a-year business! And she better get a move on!
Step 3: See it. The great achievers have a habit. They “see” things. They picture themselves walking around their CEO office in their new $25 million corporate headquarters, even while they are sitting on a folding chair in their garage “headquarters.” Great free-throw shooters in the NBA picture the ball going through the basket. PGA golfers picture the ball going straight down the fairway. World-class speakers picture themselves speaking with energy and emotion. All of this grooms the mind to control the body to carry out the dream.
Step 4: Tell it. One reason many dreams never go anywhere is because the dreamer keeps it all to himself. It is a quiet dream that only lives inside of his mind. The one who wants to achieve their dream must tell that dream to many people. One reason: As we continually say it, we begin to believe it more and more. If we are talking about it then it must be possible. Another reason: It holds us accountable. When we have told others, it spurs us on to actually doing it so we don’t look foolish.
Step 5: Plan it. Every dream must take the form of a plan. The old saying that you “get what you plan for” is so true. Your dream won’t just happen. You need to sit down, on a regular basis, and plan out your strategy for achieving the dream. Think through all of the details. Break the whole plan down into small, workable parts. Then set a time frame for accomplishing each task on your “dream plan.”
Step 6: Work it. Boy, wouldn’t life be grand if we could quit before this one! Unfortunately the successful are usually the hardest workers. While the rest of the world is sitting on their sofas watching reruns of Gilligan's Island
Step 7: Enjoy it. When you have reached your goal and you are living your dream, be sure to enjoy it. In fact, enjoy the trip, too. Give yourself some rewards along the way. Give yourself a huge reward when you get there. Help others enjoy it. Be gracious and generous. Use your dream to better others. Then go back to No. 1. And dream a little bigger this time!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
How to Succeed in Your Life
Taking Responsibility For YouCaring For OthersPlaning For The FutureWorking Hard
Edited by Princess john, Chris Dowling, Teresa, SeaStar and 9 others
Are you afraid that you're going about life all wrong? Do you want to do whatever you can to increase your chances of living a long, happy, fulfilling life? Read below for some basic advice on how to succeed and improve your life.
Method 1 of 4: Taking Responsibility For You

1Stop blaming others and making excuses. It really doesn’t make a difference if the problems in your life were caused by someone else. It really doesn’t matter if circumstances in your life make it difficult or almost impossible for you to succeed. You are the only person you can rely on to fix your problems. If you want things to be better, you have to make them better.

2Stop procrastinating. Don’t keep telling yourself that you will go back to school next year or that you’ll study tomorrow or that you’ll apply for that job next week. Putting things off is a sure-fire way to make sure things don’t get done or get done poorly. Tackle problems and tasks early, to give yourself more time to do them properly and excel at what you do.

3Build your skills. Study hard in school and then spend the rest of your life dedicated to becoming better and better at whatever you do. Being good at what you do is the surest way to succeed and create circumstances in which you can better your life.
Take extra classes and training once you’ve settled into a career to refresh your skills and learn the latest techniques and practices.
Practice job skills outside of work and use the internet to find helpful techniques and tricks.
Talk to the masters to get helpful advice and learn from their experience.

4Take care of your body. You don’t want to put in all this effort and not be able to do anything because you’re held back by health problems. Take care of your body by eating right, exercising, and keeping clean. See a doctor when you have problems and make use of preventative care. This will help keep problems from arising and dealing with any problems early will help solve them before they get out of hand.
Method 2 of 4: Caring For Others

1Be good to your fellow man. Sometimes it’s hard to see why being kind and helpful to others also helps us. Everything in our culture tells us that to get ahead, we need to fight only for ourselves and forget everyone else. But in helping others, we not only create a sense of deep personal fulfillment but we also ensure that other people want to help us. You will be surprised how willing people are to help you when you are widely known as a good, helpful, self-sacrificing person.

2Develop connections. Networking is a great way to move yourself up in the world and get the things you want for your life. Make lots of friends. Meet people that are in well-placed positions in environments where you would like to work. Show everyone you meet how hard you work and how good you are with others. Show them the incredible skills you’ve built. Everyone will be itching to recommend you for opportunities they see crop up.

3Create a happy, healthy family life. Marriage and children are not for everybody, but most people will not feel fulfilled without some kind of companionship. Especially as we age, it’s easy to become lonely, as friendships tend to fade as others become more attached to their families. Build a support network, whether it’s a spouse, life-long partner, children, pets, or strong sibling relationships.
Method 3 of 4: Planing For The Future

1Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Thinking positive will only get you so far. You should, of course, always hope for the best. You should expect that wonderful things will happen for you because they often will. However, you need to also be willing to work hard for good things and plan ahead for how you will deal with hardships or plans which go wrong. There is nothing wrong with being prepared for bad things, it will simply make you better able to handle situations that arise.

2Get yourself on a career path. This will be an important aspect of succeeding in life. Jumping from temporary job to temporary job will make it very hard to move up to bigger and better things, so try to set yourself on a career path as early as possible. Choose something which fits your skills, can provide you with an acceptably comfortable life, and that doesn’t make you miserable. You probably can’t be rock star, but you might surprise yourself with how much you enjoy being a sound technician.

3Be smart about money. A lot of the time, making poor money decisions is what holds us back in life. Avoid large debts, buy only what you need and no more, and avoid unreliable investments. Saving to buy a rental property, for example, is a much more reliable investment than buying stocks in a new company. That $400 cell phone? Try a cheap phone and using the money saved to pay off a credit card.

4Work towards owning a home, car, etc. One of the best ways to succeed and live comfortably is to become as financially secure as possible. Try to work towards owning a home rather than renting, owning your car, and paying off credit card debt. The fewer monthly payments you have to make (or in the case of renting an apartment, the fewer payments that provide no returns), the better able you will be to spend money on things you need and save up for a rainy day.
Don’t feel that you can’t purchase a home because of your economic status. There are a number of government and bank programs designed to make home ownership accessible to everyone. Look into the HUD program, Homepath properties, and local organizations which help first-time home buyers.
Method 4 of 4: Working Hard

1Go above and beyond the call of duty. Don’t just fit your job description, blow it out of the water. Do more than what people expect of you to show that you are capable and dedicated. This will make you much more likely to get promotions and recommendations.
As a teenager, you can use your free time to start a charitable organization. Choose a cause that is important to you and start raising money.
If you're a teen who is particularly good in a certain subject, help your classmates when you see them struggling. Offer to show them how you tackle problems or ask about starting a tutoring session. Sometimes people can learn better from their peers, who communicate with them more easily, than they can from teachers and you could be doing them a huge service.
Adults can do this easily by examining every time they find themselves saying "It isn't my problem." It might not be your responsibility to handle that situation but do what you can to do it anyway. For example, if you're a janitor and you see that someone is lost, help them, even though you may not be obligated to even speak to that person.

2Take on more responsibility. When you and your schoolmates or coworkers are asked to volunteer for extra duties, be the first one to volunteer. Look for opportunities where no one is taking responsibility and things are neglected. Like going above and beyond the call of duty, this will show others that you are capable and dedicated, but it will also prove that you are a leader.
If you're a teenager, get a job as early as you can. It doesn't have to be for very many hours, just enough to have it on a resume. Having a resume that's already filled will show to future employers that you work hard: even if you don't have to.
Teens can also take on more responsibility by becoming teacher's assistants. Many schools will allow students to take a "class" where they grade papers, organize assignments, and do other tasks to help out in the classroom. This will also look good to colleges and future employers.
As an adult, suggest a program that can help your place of business and offer to manage the program in addition to the work you already do. For example, you could suggest that every six months the whole office gets together to beautify and organize a room, desk, or office space for one teammate. This will keep things organized and help out stressed coworkers, but it will also show your boss that you are leadership material.

3Aim for better jobs and promotions. Do whatever you can to fight your way up the food chain. Being in better positions will allow you to better provide for yourself and your family. When you see positions open up in your company, apply for them. After you’ve been at a job for a few years, look and apply for jobs elsewhere that will move you further in that career path. Don’t be afraid of failure: you’ll never know if you could get the job if you don’t try!
Edited by Princess john, Chris Dowling, Teresa, SeaStar and 9 others
Are you afraid that you're going about life all wrong? Do you want to do whatever you can to increase your chances of living a long, happy, fulfilling life? Read below for some basic advice on how to succeed and improve your life.
Method 1 of 4: Taking Responsibility For You

1Stop blaming others and making excuses. It really doesn’t make a difference if the problems in your life were caused by someone else. It really doesn’t matter if circumstances in your life make it difficult or almost impossible for you to succeed. You are the only person you can rely on to fix your problems. If you want things to be better, you have to make them better.

2Stop procrastinating. Don’t keep telling yourself that you will go back to school next year or that you’ll study tomorrow or that you’ll apply for that job next week. Putting things off is a sure-fire way to make sure things don’t get done or get done poorly. Tackle problems and tasks early, to give yourself more time to do them properly and excel at what you do.

3Build your skills. Study hard in school and then spend the rest of your life dedicated to becoming better and better at whatever you do. Being good at what you do is the surest way to succeed and create circumstances in which you can better your life.
Take extra classes and training once you’ve settled into a career to refresh your skills and learn the latest techniques and practices.
Practice job skills outside of work and use the internet to find helpful techniques and tricks.
Talk to the masters to get helpful advice and learn from their experience.

4Take care of your body. You don’t want to put in all this effort and not be able to do anything because you’re held back by health problems. Take care of your body by eating right, exercising, and keeping clean. See a doctor when you have problems and make use of preventative care. This will help keep problems from arising and dealing with any problems early will help solve them before they get out of hand.
Method 2 of 4: Caring For Others

1Be good to your fellow man. Sometimes it’s hard to see why being kind and helpful to others also helps us. Everything in our culture tells us that to get ahead, we need to fight only for ourselves and forget everyone else. But in helping others, we not only create a sense of deep personal fulfillment but we also ensure that other people want to help us. You will be surprised how willing people are to help you when you are widely known as a good, helpful, self-sacrificing person.

2Develop connections. Networking is a great way to move yourself up in the world and get the things you want for your life. Make lots of friends. Meet people that are in well-placed positions in environments where you would like to work. Show everyone you meet how hard you work and how good you are with others. Show them the incredible skills you’ve built. Everyone will be itching to recommend you for opportunities they see crop up.

3Create a happy, healthy family life. Marriage and children are not for everybody, but most people will not feel fulfilled without some kind of companionship. Especially as we age, it’s easy to become lonely, as friendships tend to fade as others become more attached to their families. Build a support network, whether it’s a spouse, life-long partner, children, pets, or strong sibling relationships.
Method 3 of 4: Planing For The Future

1Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Thinking positive will only get you so far. You should, of course, always hope for the best. You should expect that wonderful things will happen for you because they often will. However, you need to also be willing to work hard for good things and plan ahead for how you will deal with hardships or plans which go wrong. There is nothing wrong with being prepared for bad things, it will simply make you better able to handle situations that arise.

2Get yourself on a career path. This will be an important aspect of succeeding in life. Jumping from temporary job to temporary job will make it very hard to move up to bigger and better things, so try to set yourself on a career path as early as possible. Choose something which fits your skills, can provide you with an acceptably comfortable life, and that doesn’t make you miserable. You probably can’t be rock star, but you might surprise yourself with how much you enjoy being a sound technician.

3Be smart about money. A lot of the time, making poor money decisions is what holds us back in life. Avoid large debts, buy only what you need and no more, and avoid unreliable investments. Saving to buy a rental property, for example, is a much more reliable investment than buying stocks in a new company. That $400 cell phone? Try a cheap phone and using the money saved to pay off a credit card.

4Work towards owning a home, car, etc. One of the best ways to succeed and live comfortably is to become as financially secure as possible. Try to work towards owning a home rather than renting, owning your car, and paying off credit card debt. The fewer monthly payments you have to make (or in the case of renting an apartment, the fewer payments that provide no returns), the better able you will be to spend money on things you need and save up for a rainy day.
Don’t feel that you can’t purchase a home because of your economic status. There are a number of government and bank programs designed to make home ownership accessible to everyone. Look into the HUD program, Homepath properties, and local organizations which help first-time home buyers.
Method 4 of 4: Working Hard

1Go above and beyond the call of duty. Don’t just fit your job description, blow it out of the water. Do more than what people expect of you to show that you are capable and dedicated. This will make you much more likely to get promotions and recommendations.
As a teenager, you can use your free time to start a charitable organization. Choose a cause that is important to you and start raising money.
If you're a teen who is particularly good in a certain subject, help your classmates when you see them struggling. Offer to show them how you tackle problems or ask about starting a tutoring session. Sometimes people can learn better from their peers, who communicate with them more easily, than they can from teachers and you could be doing them a huge service.
Adults can do this easily by examining every time they find themselves saying "It isn't my problem." It might not be your responsibility to handle that situation but do what you can to do it anyway. For example, if you're a janitor and you see that someone is lost, help them, even though you may not be obligated to even speak to that person.

2Take on more responsibility. When you and your schoolmates or coworkers are asked to volunteer for extra duties, be the first one to volunteer. Look for opportunities where no one is taking responsibility and things are neglected. Like going above and beyond the call of duty, this will show others that you are capable and dedicated, but it will also prove that you are a leader.
If you're a teenager, get a job as early as you can. It doesn't have to be for very many hours, just enough to have it on a resume. Having a resume that's already filled will show to future employers that you work hard: even if you don't have to.
Teens can also take on more responsibility by becoming teacher's assistants. Many schools will allow students to take a "class" where they grade papers, organize assignments, and do other tasks to help out in the classroom. This will also look good to colleges and future employers.
As an adult, suggest a program that can help your place of business and offer to manage the program in addition to the work you already do. For example, you could suggest that every six months the whole office gets together to beautify and organize a room, desk, or office space for one teammate. This will keep things organized and help out stressed coworkers, but it will also show your boss that you are leadership material.

3Aim for better jobs and promotions. Do whatever you can to fight your way up the food chain. Being in better positions will allow you to better provide for yourself and your family. When you see positions open up in your company, apply for them. After you’ve been at a job for a few years, look and apply for jobs elsewhere that will move you further in that career path. Don’t be afraid of failure: you’ll never know if you could get the job if you don’t try!
source :http://www.wikihow.com/Succeed-in-Your-Life
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