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Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Success starts at home
Everyone eyes success in life they. Success can be felt in many life aspect. Successalso will be accessible regardless of age, race, rich, poor, sex and religion.
Since born we already learned meaning of success although in meaning that is easyand small. Success of a baby take the life move from lie only , escort, lie face down,interlace, sit, stand, walk and the success is biggest as a children that are mature isrun and consequently clever cycle, increase skateboard or wearing wheel. That meaning of success for an children that are normal.
When in school success that most made yardstick is can read, write, count, practiseartistry, physical skill and esthetic skill other. Success also for student that gain controlknowledge in all subjects until become the best or get highest achievement in subjectliked.
Success become good child and being liked parents at home is also achievementthat should be proud because can practise noble deed in teachings of the religion and culture something the race also can help to produce society that is peaceful andpeaceful. Parent education at home by incorporating values that are admirable intochildren's selves until brought by him value to community.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Figure that is most successful in the world
As someone Muslim figure that need to be made idol is must have Rasulullah SAW.Rasulullah SAW who abandoned us approximately 1435 year which already have leave us guide and fad that is soundest namely al-Quran and Sunnah Nabi SAW.
Rasulullah SAW's da'wah's success that has been briefly I write previously is caused by king's personality that is very noble and polite that so noble until can leverage oneveryone to follow and make him lifelong fad.
Although in Rasulullah SAW's beginning da'wah mission is quite difficult where stiff opposition come from own His Highness' family like Abu Sufyan, Abu Lahab and alsoAbu Jahal until willing hire people to kill Rasulullah SAW before emigrating to Madinah.
Rasulullah SAW's patience attacks all resistance in conducting da'wah mission kingfinally bore results where after Rasulullah dies Islam can develop until whole world.Teaching and Rasulullah SAW's practice still being practised and defended to datethat increasingly develop according to era development. Rasulullah SAW's successcan we survey with erected him Islamic in ourselves and many more day by day with way and method that is same like 1435 year once only time and the time only which vary.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Da'wah Rasulullah SAW Key To Success

All of us know that Muhammad Ibnu Abdullah, Rasul end time are born in Makkah. The beginning of Islamic also in Makkah. Also we know their friends first time tortured in Makkah. Sake of defending Islam, they would tortured in all forms.
Rasulullah S.A.W struggles in Makkah until migrate into Yathrib. Before emigrating, king had decreed majesty's friends migrate into Ethiopia, but there not place that is piousto erected him Daulah Islamiyah.
Bond that is suitable need to be searched. For that king aimed migrate to Madinah to set up Daulah Islamiyyah. Through six people who come from Makkah, Islamic was launched in Madinah. In the second year, as many as 13 Madinah residents have come to find Rasulullah S.A.W includes two women.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Complacency is when successful
After giving fully energy, idea and time in job carried out if successful achieve successso surely arise satisfaction within because everything all this while worth it.
Not easy and a little resistance forced we meet to do something until succeed. As Imentioned previously that success owned now actually forced to face difficulty andpatience and perseverance only that able make us lasts until successful.
Satisfaction that we experience the not only from inside edge namely feeling but alsosatisfaction physically in form of acknowledgement employer, pecuniary reward and our skill that is successful control in forging this success.
When success we got so after this everything will be easy but our commitment thatcontinuously very important so that it can continue until our service reach finishing line.After that, enjoy result of hard work we to achieve success to the utmost.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Resolution to succeed
Resolution or the in simple phrase intention and also determination to succeed isperfect start for us to achieve success in all field that we participate.
Every matter that we are doing must start with determination that strong and accurateso that it achieving goals that aspired. If we bring this matter in our employmentaspect surely success hoped so that what we doing does not become futile. Forexample as a teacher surely started high labour to see pupils taught successful insubject learned and the success is the success teacher also.
Like that in any field like sports, which already definitely the objective to be successfully to become champion and achieve him initiated with strong resolution by conducting training that is periodic and recurring until high skill level until can beatopponent in gain success hoped.
If viewed in performing pious duty as a muslim surely intention that first taken into consideration because something religious worship will not be accepted if intentionnot because Allah. Starting with intention that is correct and sincere in every religious worship carried out further follow guide told to us through Rasulullah in al-Quran and Hadith then success that we achieve through him is get merit exhange and consequently survived from torture hell in afterworld later and that real true successthat we with intentions.
Obstacle to succeed
Many obstacles that need to be faced by some if want to achieve success. Obstacle can come over in oneself or external obstacle who come in various forms.
Obstacle that most influencing oneself to do not succeed is in terms of self confidence. Many people that are unsure with himself able to do something that produce success. Attitude is humble is attitude that most become enemy to success. Feel self less compared to others make him continue backward and lazy to be trying to observe the ability real ones. In what field also especially in pursue knowledge in school and educational institution the rest human that do not have confidence will miss.
Obstacle that is shaped external is come from person that is closest with an individual namely parents and other family members in granting guidance and their encouragement help to achieve success in various fields. Words that are positive in form stimulant can encourage anyone who less confident self do something that positive towards success hoping for.
Sense of community or community that the individual stay also important to provide inducement in form examples that is good in form academic success and career. Community that is organised and harmony certainly can stimulate the members to taste success.
Day that there is success
When only awoke from sleep, for those Muslim must have need to fulfill theresponsibility to Allah SWT namely do prayers Subuh. This routine if becomes our practice has shown that we in passage in the direction of success.
For those concerned do prayers Subuh by consistent, furthermore do it at the mosqueon the other hand then success already become property him. Success acquire reward from Allah SWT that certainly that all people that are faithful need and the external success is successful educating self do one routine that many own Muslim that fail to do him according to time that is set in fact many that leave him.
Get up early in the morning already promised our livelihood for those Muslim believed through Koran verses and Nabi SAW hadith that aspect blessing on the livelihood was certified. Starting work early in the morning that before that we already got enough rest so the job carried out full of energy and can give commitment that is high in implementing a the job so the result surely success.
Together towards success
At the workplace must have something job field want to achieve success. Success will not be achieved if nothing cooperation of all individuals that there is in the field.Every group must have leader that will manage the group by that eligible to carry the group achieve success.
When all can give idea and beside accept by seriously carrying out steps to succeedso must have success will be achieved.
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