Iklan Kita

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Resolution to succeed

Resolution or the in simple phrase intention and also determination to succeed isperfect start for us to achieve success in all field that we participate.

Every matter that we are doing must start with determination that strong and accurateso that it achieving goals that aspired. If we bring this matter in our employmentaspect surely success hoped so that what we doing does not become futile. Forexample as a teacher surely started high labour to see pupils taught successful insubject learned and the success is the success teacher also.

Like that in any field like sports, which already definitely the objective to be successfully to become champion and achieve him initiated with strong resolution by conducting training that is periodic and recurring until high skill level until can beatopponent in gain success hoped.

If viewed in performing pious duty as a muslim surely intention that first taken into consideration because something religious worship will not be accepted if intentionnot because Allah. Starting with intention that is correct and sincere in every religious worship carried out further follow guide told to us through Rasulullah in al-Quran and Hadith then success that we achieve through him is get merit exhange and consequently survived from torture hell in afterworld later and that real true successthat we with intentions.

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